Privacy policy

Last update : 30/04/2024

FESTIV, as the Data Controller, undertakes to comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data (RGPD).

To deliver its service, FESTIV processes personal data of Users of the Festiv Application.

The purpose of this section is to explain to Users the use made by FESTIV of the personal data they may provide on the application.


1. Who collects personal data?

The company that collects the personal data and implements the data processing is FESTIV, whose contact details can be found in the Legal Information section.

2. Purposes of data processing

FESTIV is only authorised to use Users' personal data if it has a valid legal basis.

FESTIV collects and processes the personal data of its Users for the following purposes:

What operations are carried out on personal data?What are the justifications?
Management of the user accountExecution of the general terms of service concluded between a User and FESTIV
Provision of social network functions
Management of customer service and complaints
Geolocation of the User of the ApplicationPrior consent of the User
Statistics, analysis, selection and segmentation of Users in order to improve knowledge of themLegitimate interest of FESTIV
Sending emails to UsersUser consent
Management of commission payment transactionsExecution of special conditions concluded between a User and FESTIV
Responding to legal and administrative requestsLegal obligation

3. What rights do I have to my data?

3.1. What rights can be exercised?

Pursuant to Articles 15 to 22 of Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, any natural person whose data has been collected has the right to exercise the following rights:

  • A right of access,
  • A right of rectification,
  • A right to object to the processing of their data and to have their data deleted,
  • A right to object to profiling,
  • A right to limit processing,
  • A right to data portability,
  • A right to formulate advance directives on the fate of your data after your death.

3.2. How can they be exercised?

These rights may be exercised by contacting FESTIV, the company that collected the personal data, in the following ways:

Electronically, to the address:

The request must indicate the surname, first name, postal address, email address and, if possible, the user reference and must be accompanied by any relevant proof of identity.

FESTIV shall send a reply within 1 month of exercising the right. In certain cases, due to the complexity of the request or the number of requests, this period may be extended by 2 months.

These rights may be subject to exceptions in certain cases provided for in the regulations.

If there is no response or if the response is unsatisfactory, the person concerned may refer the matter to the data protection supervisory authority (the CNIL).

4. To whom is the data transmitted?

Your data is transmitted to FESTIV's partners who may process the data on their behalf (recipients) or solely on behalf of and in accordance with FESTIV's instructions (sub-contractors).

The recipients of the data are:

  • payment institutions (banks)
  • Organisers who publish paying events on the Platform.

FESTIV also uses subcontractors for the following operations:

  • secure payment on the application
  • data hosting
  • sending emails

5. Is data sent outside the EU?

For certain operations, personal data may be sent to companies located in countries outside the European Union. Prior to any transfer outside the European Union, and in accordance with the regulations in force, FESTIV ensures that these data transfers are secure.

6. How long is the data kept?

FESTIV has determined precise rules concerning the length of time Users' personal data is kept. In principle, data is kept for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected.

Unless otherwise required by law, FESTIV complies with the retention periods recommended by the CNIL.

The retention periods adopted are as follows:

  • Users' data is kept for 2 years from the date of their last activity on the Account.

7. Is data collected on minors under the age of 16?

You must be 16 years old to create an account on the FESTIV service and to make purchases.

As FESTIV does not collect data on minors under the age of 16, any Internet user under the age of 16 must not create an account.

8. Does FESTIV use cookies, tags and tracers?

Information relating to browsing on the Application may be recorded in ‘Cookies’ files placed on your terminal, subject to the choices you have expressed concerning Cookies and which you may modify at any time.

8.1. What is a cookie?

The term ‘cookie’ encompasses several technologies used to monitor browsing or analyse the behaviour of Internet users. These technologies are numerous and constantly evolving. In particular, there are cookies, tags, pixels and Javascript code.

A cookie is a small file used to remember the terminal used by the Internet user.

There are two types of cookie:

  • first-party cookies placed by FESTIV for the purposes of browsing and the operation of the Service;
  • third-party cookies placed by third-party partner companies in order to identify the customer's areas of interest and to send personalised offers or to enable the Customer to share content on social networks. These third-party cookies are managed directly by the companies that publish them, which must also comply with data protection regulations.

8.2. Why are cookies, tags and tracers used?

The cookies used by FESTIV are used to:

  • establish statistics and volumes of visits to and use of the various elements making up our services. To this end, we use audience measurement cookies;
  • adapt the presentation of our Service according to the terminal used;
  • adapt the presentation of our Service according to the affinities of each Customer;
  • store information relating to a form you have filled in on our Service (registration or access to your account, service subscribed to, contents of an order basket, etc.);
  • allow you to access reserved and personal areas of our Service, such as your account, using identifiers;
  • implement security measures, for example when you are asked to connect to your account again after a certain period of time;

8.3. How to configure the use of cookies, tags and tracers?

In accordance with Directive 2002/58/EC of 12 July 2002, the FESTIV company obtains your prior consent to the placement of advertising, audience measurement and social network sharing cookies.

You may choose at any time to express and modify your wishes with regard to cookies, by the means described below.

8.3.1. Setting cookies using a tool provided by FESTIV

In order to comply with the regulations, FESTIV uses a tool enabling Internet users to set the parameters for the deposit of cookies when connecting to the Service.

8.3.2. Liste d’opposition permettant de gérer le dépôt des cookies

You also have the option of objecting to the deposit of cookies by accessing the

FESTIV uses the Google Analytics audience measurement cookie, which can be configured at the following address: