Special Conditions for Organisers of the FESTIV Service

Last update: 30/04/2024

ARTICLE 1. Purpose and Acceptance of the Special Conditions for Organisers

The use of an Organiser Account on the Festiv Service is subject to compliance with these Organiser Special Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SCO’).

The purpose of the SCO is to define the terms of use of the Service by an Organiser.

These SCO govern the contractual relationship between FESTIV and any Organiser who creates an Account. The Organiser expressly undertakes to comply with the SCO in their entirety, which are special conditions supplementing the GCS.

Any access to and/or use of the Service by an Organiser implies unreserved acceptance of and compliance with all the terms of the GCS and the SCO. They constitute a contract between FESTIV and the Organiser.

ARTICLE 2. Features dedicated to Organisers

The Organiser Account allows you to:

  • publish paying events on the Service and benefit from the ticketing service offered by Festiv enabling Users to order tickets;
  • create a loyalty programme which Users can join in order to benefit from advantages defined by the Organiser.

ARTICLE 3. Creating an Organiser account

The User must be at least 18 years old to create an Organiser account.

The Organiser must provide the information requested in the registration form.

He undertakes to provide complete and accurate information and to keep it up to date.

ARTICLE 4. Rules concerning Events

Festiv reserves the right to monitor the publication of events by the Organiser. In the event of fraud or attempted fraud by an Organiser, the event may be cancelled and the funds linked to the event sequestered by FESTIV for the time required for the relevant checks.

Festiv may request additional information from the Organiser in order to publish the event.

The Organiser is responsible for the smooth running of the Event it organises on the Service.

In this respect, the Organiser shall ensure that it obtains all necessary administrative authorisations, complies with applicable regulations and complies with safety rules relating to public access.

The Organiser will be liable for any damage caused to Users in connection with the event organised by him.

An Organiser may cancel an event offered on the Service. Users who have ordered a ticket will be automatically refunded. The Organiser shall bear the service charges applied by Festiv to Users.

ARTICLE 5. Financial terms and conditions

The sums collected by the Organiser will be credited to a purse accessible from the Organiser's Account.

The day after the Event, the Organiser may request the transfer of the sums collected in his wallet to his bank account via a bank transfer.

In return for access to the functions dedicated to Organisers, a commission in the form of a percentage of the sums collected by the Organiser from ticket sales will be collected by FESTIV.

The percentage applicable to commission is indicated on the Service.

The commission will be deducted when the sums are transferred to the Organiser's account.

ARTICLE 6. Social and fiscal obligations

The FESTIV Agent undertakes to comply with the tax and social security obligations incumbent upon it in respect of the collection of Commissions. In this respect, the FESTIV Agent shall be responsible for making any declarations to the relevant authorities, and in particular to the URSSAF if required by law.

The FESTIV Agent is invited to consult the websites of the following authorities: